all postcodes in M60 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M60 1AA 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1AY 1 1 53.481552 -2.238422
M60 1FP 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1FT 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1FY 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1GP 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1HS 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1HU 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1HX 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1JB 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1LN 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1NX 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1PE 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1PR 1 1 53.480112 -2.252201
M60 1PX 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1QP 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1QR 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1SD 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1SF 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M60 1TA 1 1 53.482088 -2.238769